Lembaga Pengembangan Sosial Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Hidup
Institute for Social Economic and Environment Development (ISEED)
Alamat/Address: Jalan T Chik Di Tiro No.120, Simpang, Banda Aceh 23249; P.O. Box 169,Banda Aceh 23000, Daerah Istimewa Aceh; Telp.: (0651) 22767; Fax.: (0651) 31316; Contact person: Zainuddin M. Zaini (Pimpinan Lembaga) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Eksploitasi terhadap sumber daya alam tanpa batas dengan dalih pembangunan, lemahnya posisi tawar masyarakat terhadap pengambilan kebijakan, rusaknya sumber ekonomi berbasis kerakyatan, terpinggirnya masyarakat --terutama kaum perempuan-- dalam pengambilan keputusan, merupakan pokok-pokok pikiran yang melatarbelakangi terbentuknya lembaga ini. Lembaga yang lahir pada 21 Januari 1992 ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan lingkungan hidup, memberdayakan dan menguatkan ekonomi rakyat yang berlandaskan pada konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan, meningkatkan sumber daya manusia serta melestarikan kearifan budaya lokal. |
Background and purpose: Unlimited exploitations of natural resources under the pretext of development, the weak bargaining position of the community to policy-making, damages of community-based economic resources, marginalization of the community, especially women, in decision-making are the main reasons of the foundation of this institute. Founded on January 21, 1992 this institute is aimed at preserving environment, empowering and strengthening the people’s economy based on the sustainable development concept, improving human resources as well as preserving local cultural wisdom.
Area and form of activities: Agriculture, gender, small business and cooperative, environment, human rights, democracy, community forest, cattle breeding, marine and fishery are the main activities of this institution. As its supporting activities are health, clean water and sanitation, women in development, law, labor, childcare and religion studies. Those activities are carried out in the form of studies, researches, surveys, education and training, community development and assistance, advocacy, seminar, discussion, workshop along with publications and credit services.
Program: This institute has conducted several programs such as cattle breeding.
Funding sources: Membership fee and donations from members, grants from international institutions as well as donations from individuals are the sources of fund of this institute.
Membership and working area: This institute links to NGOs Forum of Aceh, Walhi Aceh, Consortium of Social Economic Development. This institute is also member of NGOs Network for Development of Women’s Small Business and member of WALHI. This institute works in Banda Aceh.
Staff: This institute is managed by 3 full-time and 4 part-time staffs. Three of them are professionals and 1 administrative staff.