Alamat/Address: Jalan P. Kammerer No. 1 Bilogai Kecamatan Sugapa, Kabupaten Paniai, Papua Barat.Yayasan Pengembangan Moni Dugindoga Kemandoga Contact person: Thimotius Ugipa(Direktur/Ketua Yayasan) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Yayasan Pengembangan Moni Dugindoga Kemandoga (YPMDK) berdiri didorong oleh keinginan masyarakat menampung aspirasi beberapa suku dalam kaitannya dengan pengembangan sosial ekonomi masyarakat basis dengan sistem pengembagan kelompok usaha kecil. Yayasan yang lahir pada 8 September 1999 ini bertujuan untuk membangun sumber daya manusia melalui keterlibatan dalam berbagai bidang kegiatan. |
Background and purpose: Moni Dugindoga Kemandoga Development Foundation was formed based on the intention of the community to accommodate the aspiration of several tribes relating to the community-based development both socially and economically using small business development system. This foundation was set up on September 8, 1999 and is intended to develop human resources through involvement in various activities.
Area and form of activities: The main activities of this foundation are small business and cooperative and child issue. Agriculture and breeding cattle are the supporting activities. The forms of those activities are community development and assistance along with education and training.
Program: Cooperative development, vegetable plants and breeding cattle are the programs they have done.
Funding sources: The funding of this institution is mostly from domestic non-governmental agencies or institutions such as Nabire Heart Beat Foundation.
Membership and working area: There is no information concerning the membership of this foundation. This foundation covers the area of Sugapa sub-district, Paniai district.
Staf: The activities of this foundation are organized by 5 part-time staffs.