Forum Kesenian Indonesia
Alamat/Address: Jotawang, Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55187, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta;Telp.: (0274) 387534 Contact person: Sigit Sugito (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Belajar dari sejarah, melihat realitas saat ini dan memihak masa depan merupakan latar belakang berdirinya organisasi ini. Sedangkan tujuan lembaga yang berdiri pada 26 Mei 1993 ini adalah tercapainya tatanan kawasan kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat serta kehidupan berkesenian yang otonom, demokratis, dan dinamis. Secara khusus, lembaga ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mewujudkan jalinan kerja sama yang kokoh dan progresif antaranggota maupun dengan pihak lain dalam rangka mencapai tujuan umum di atas serta penguatan dan peningkatan kesadaran rakyat dalam menciptakan dinamika kehidupan seni dan budaya. |
Background and purpose: Learning from history, absorbing the current reality, and taking side with the future were the background of the establishment of Forum Kesenian Indonesia. Meanwhile, the aim of the organization, which was incepted on 26 May 1993, is the materialization of a social and cultural system which is autonomous, democratic and dynamic. More specifically, the purpose of FKI is create strong and progressive networks of cooperation between their members and between the networks and other parties with the aim to increase and improve people’s awareness about the importance of dynamizing their art and cultural life.
Area and form of activities: FKI’s main fields of activity is culture and art, which is supported by other fields like agriculture, gender, small enterprises and cooperatives, environment, human rights, democracy, informal sector, labor and animal husbandry. All activities in the fields are carried out in the forms of education and training, community development and facilitation, publication, and advocacy. Study, research and survey are its supporting fields of activity.
Program: The forum carries out programs with the aim to develop critical awareness through art in Islamic boarding schools (pesantrens), from 1998 to 2001.
Publication: FKI publishes anthologies of poems and prose pieces.
Funding sources: The forum’s revenues mainly come from its membership dues and donations, and the remuneration of the projects it carries out with other parties. But, it also gets assistance fund from domestic non-government organizations like YAPPIKA.
Membership and working area: At the provincial and national levels, FKI is active in Yogyakarta’s NGOs Forum and Consortium of Agrarian Reforms (KPA). Its area of operation is Yogyakarta Special Territory.
Staff: The forum, which focuses on cultural and art fields, has 5 staff members (1 full-timers who are also professional workers, and 4 part-time staff members).