Alamat/Address: Jalan Ciliwung, Sanggeng, Manokwari, Papua; Telp.: (0986) 211068; Fax.: (0986) 211068Yayasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Rakyat dan Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Email: paradisea@manokwari.wasantara.net.id; Contact person: Ir. Peter Pelamonia (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Lembaga ini didirikan atas prakarsa lembaga WWF Bioregion Sahul bersama tokoh masyarakat dan pemuda di Papua pada tanggal 11 Maret 1999. Tujuan utama didirikannya lembaga ini adalah untuk mengupayakan terciptanya masyarakat madani Papua yang sejahtera dalam lingkungan yang lestari. |
Background and purpose: This organization was founded upon initiatives of WWF Bioregion Sahul, along with local leaders and youth of Irian Jaya on March 11, 1999. The main purpose of this organization is to help materialize the existence of civil society in Irian Jaya, which is prosperous with a sustainable environment.
Area and form of activities: The main activities of this organization include development of small-scale enterprises and cooperatives, agriculture, husbandry, environment, social forestry and empowerment of adat community. The forms of activity include community development, studies and nature conservation.
Programs: This organization has carried out a number of programs, both in community economic development and conservancy. In developing the community’s economy they worked with cooperatives, provided capital to cacao farmers and provided seeds and farming tools to farmers. In conservancy they conducted various monitoring including on poaching and trading of protected wildlife, land clearing in the catchment area and monitoring on conserved coastal area for turtle to lay eggs.
Funding sources: This organization gets funding from cooperation with WWF Bioregion Sahul, Pemerintah Daerah Manokwari, Conservation International and Yayasan Pemulihan Keberdayaan Masyarakat.
Membership and working area: A member of Forum LSM Irian Jaya, Paradisea’s working area is Kabupaten Manokwari.
Staff: Paradisea employs 20 staff; six of them work in the office and the rest in the field.