Perkumpulan Mitra Tani Alamat/Address: Jalan Nitikan Baru 95, Yogyakarta 55162, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta; Telp./Fax.: (0274) 381101 Contact person: Amir Sutoko (Sekretaris Eksekutif) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Perkumpulan yang berdiri pada 15 Februari 1989 ini dijadikan kancah para aktivis yang berpihak pada petani dan secara profesional memperjuangkan hak-hak kaum tani. Sementara tujuannya adalah pemberdayaan petani gurem, buruh tani, dan pengusaha kecil yang berkaitan dengan sektor pertanian, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, yang bersama-sama dapat mempengaruhi proses transformasi sosial, ekonomi dan politik bagi terwujudnya distribusi penguasaan akses dan kontrol terhadap sumber daya pertanian secara adil dan merata demi peningkatan kualitas hidup yang bebas dari diskriminasi, hegemoni dan eksploitasi berdasarkan kelas sosial, kesukuan, agama, ras dan jenis kelamin. Program: Lembaga ini pernah melaksanakan kegiatan semacam areal model hutan rakyat, mengerjakan pula kegiatan-kegiatan seperti sekolah lapangan pengelolaan tanaman terpadu, pertanian lestari dan pemberdayaan petani berperspektif gender, hak asasi manusia dan lingkungan. Publikasi: Menerjemahkan buku-buku Farming for the Future dan Pra. Sumber dana: Ada empat macam sumber dana lembaga. Iuran dan sumbangan anggota, bantuan atau subsidi dari pemerintah (Departemen Kehutana dan Perkebunan), hibah dari badan-badan internasional (UPWARD/CIP, PLAN, NOVIB), dan terakhir dari pendapatan jasa kerja sama dengan pihak lain. Keanggotaan dan wilayah kerja: Di tingkat regional masuk ke dalam Jaringan Organisasi non Pemerintah Pendamping Petani dan Konsorsium Masyarakat Fairtrade. Sedangkan di tingkat nasional masuk dalam IFOAM. Staf: Lembaga ini memiliki 12 orang staf tetap dan 8 orang staf tidak tetap. Menurut fungsinya, staf profesional berjumlah 16 orang dan staf administrasi 4 orang. |
Background and purpose: Established on 15 February 1989, Perkumpulan Mitra Tani serves as a vehicle for a number of activists to professionally struggle for the rights of farmers. Meanwhile, it aims to empower small farmers, farm laborers, and small entrepreneurs doing businesses in the agricultural sector, male and female, who, together, can influence the process of social, economic and political transformation, with the aim to materialize the distribution of access control and control over agricultural resources in a just and equal way so as to improve the quality of the life of farmers which is free from discrimination, hegemony and exploitation due to social, tribal, religious and sex prejudices.
Area and form of activities: The main fields of activity of PMT are agriculture, small enterprises and cooperatives, and community forest. Meanwhile, its supporting fields of activity are gender, environment, human rights, and labor. Its main fields of activity are carried out in the forms of community development and facilitation and credit provision, which are supported by study, survey, education and training, advocacy, seminar, discussion and environment.
Program: This organization had done projects on community forestry, training on integrated planting system, sustainable agriculture, and issues on gender, human rights and environment.
Publication: The association translated books, Farming for the Future and Pra.
Funding sources: PMT has four sources of fund which are its membership dues and contributions, subsidies from the government (Ministry of Forestry and Plantations), grants from international agencies (UPWARD/CIP, PLAN, NOVIB) and the remuneration of projects the association carries out together with other parties.
Membership and working area: At the regional level, PMT is a member of the Network of Farmers Facilitating NGOs and the Consortium of Fair-trade Communities. Meanwhile, at the national level, it is associated with IFOAM.
Staff: The association presently has 12 full-time and 8 part-time staff members. According to their function, they are comprised of 16 professional and 4 administration workers.