Alamat/Address: Jalan Banteng Utama 59, Kaliurang Km.8, Yogyakarta 55581; Institut Dialog Antar Iman di Indonesia Institute for Interfaith Dialogue in Indonesia Telp.: (0274) 880149, 885583; Fax.: (0274) 880149 Email:; Contact person: Dr. Th. Sumartana (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Lembaga yang terbentuk pada 10 Agustus 1992 ini berangkat dari keinginan untuk menciptakan sikap saling menghormati dan saling bekerjasama untuk memanusiakan manusia antar pemeluk agama yang berbeda dengan pendekatan historis sosiologis -- bukan dogmatis/doktriner. Adapun tujuan lembaga adalah mencapai masyarakat yang dinamis, serasi, rukun, aman serta sentosa, di samping menyelenggarakan kerja sama antar umat beriman/beragama guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup bersama. |
Background and purpose: The inception of DIAN/INTERFIDEI on 10 August 1992 was motivated by the desire to create mutual respect and mutual help for humanizing people from different religions using historical and sociological approaches not dogmatic/doctrinaire approaches. The purpose of the institute to create a society which is dynamic, harmonious, and peaceful; and also, establish cooperation between people from different religions in order to improve common welfare.
Area and form of activities: The main fields of activity of DIAN/INTERFIDEI are religion and society. Meanwhile, gender and culture are its supporting fields of activity. Human rights and democracy are its main fields, and also its supporting fields, of activity. All activities in those fields are carried out in the forms of study, research, survey, education and training, publication, seminar, discussion, and workshop. Community development and facilitation is the form of its supporting fields of activity.
Program: Since its inception, has carried out a series of discussions, seminars, workshops, and has published books.
Publication: As of end-1990s, had published 10 books like Dialog, Kritik dan Identitas Agama (Dialog, Criticism and Religious Identity); Agama dan Aspirasi Rakyat (Religion and People’s Aspirations); Mendidik Manusia Merdeka (Educating Free Men); and Pergulatan Mencari Jati Diri (Struggles for Finding Self-Identity). Moreover, it published 2 issues of its newsletter.
Funding sources: So far, DIAN/INTERFIDEI has obtained assistance funds from international funding agencies like Z-NHK, Z-WD/GKN, TAF, USAID, Ford Foundation and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and domestic non-government organizations like Kompas daily, Suara Pembaruan daily, Grafitti Pers and LP3ES.
Membership and working area: At the provincial level, the institute is a member of Yogyakarta’s NGOs Forum, KKY, Suara Nurani Foundation, and others. It is active in WCRP, WCC and other international forums. The institute opens its doors to independent groups with similar mission and vision to take part in its activities.
Staff: DIAN/INTERFIDEI has 5 full-time and 2 part-time staff members,