Alamat/Address: Jalan Bantul, Dongkelan No.44, RT 02/07, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55188, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta; Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa Kota-YSU Telp.: (0274) 382630 Fax.: (0274) 380549; Contact person: Sudarmono, SE (Ketua Pengelola) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Konsentrasi pembangunan di perkotaan dan model-model pembangunan di perdesaan yang memarjinalkan petani dan pelaku usaha non formal, sentralisasi pengelolaan pembangunan dan terpusatnya keuangan di pemerintah pusat berakibat mandulnya pelayanan publik baik dari pemerintah maupun nonpemerintah, merupakan pendorong berdirinya Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa Kota YSU (LPMDK-YSU). Tujuan lembaga yang berdiri pada 10 Agustus 1992 ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran berusaha masyarakat marjinal di kawasan desa kota dengan perspektif lingkungan, gender dan keadilan sosial. |
Background and purpose: The concentration of development in urban areas and the models of development in rural areas which marginalized farmers and non-formal business players; the centralization of development management; and the concentration of finance in the hands of the central government which has weakened public services by the government and non-government organizations; were the main factor behind the formation of LPMDK-YSU. The institute, set up on 10 August 1992, mainly aims to increase the business awareness of the marginal communities in rural and urban areas based on environment, gender and social justice perspectives.
Area and form of activities: The institute’s main fields of activity are agriculture, women in development, gender, small enterprises, informal sector, and urban development. Meanwhile, its supporting fields of activity are environment and democracy. All activities in those fields are carried out in the forms of education and training; community development and facilitation; and credit provision. The forms of the supporting fields of activities are advocacy, seminar, discussion and workshop.
Program: In addition to organizational development and the development of human resources, LPMDK-YSU has carried out programs for the empowerment of communities along river banks; training for facilitators; training on community organization; and cooperation for the development of small enterprises.
Funding sources: The institute’s revenues mainly come from membership dues and donations, remuneration of projects the institute carries out together with other parties, and assistance funds from different parties like government subsidies (Yogyakarta Special Territory government and that Territory’s Office for Social Affairs), and domestic non-government organizations (Yogyakarta’s NGOs Forum, Bina Desa, LAKPESDAM). The Bantul Chapter of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has provided assistance funds for the foundation, which were used for the development of micro-small trade businesses in Bantul.
Membership and working area: The foundation is associated with Yogyakarta’s NGOs Forum and WALHI. In the meantime, it operates in Yogyakarta Special Territory, notably the regency of Bantul.
Staff: LPMDK-YSU has 13 staff members, who are comprised of 2 full-time and 5 part-time workers, and 6 professional volunteers. According to their function, the 13 are comprised of 11 professional and 2 administration workers.