Lembaga Alam Tropika Indonesia
The Indonesian Tropical Institute
Alamat/Address: Jl. Citarum No. 12, Blok B XI/12, Komp. Bogor Baru Bogor 16152 - Jawa Barat; Tel: (0251) 379143, 379167; Fax: (0251) 379825
Email: person: Dani Wahyu Munggoro (Direktur Eksekutif)
Kantor Cabang/Branch office: Jl. Diponegoro No. 692 Jember, Jawa Timur; Telp.: (0336) 881416

Latar belakang dan tujuan: Lembaga ini berdiri sebagai tanggap­an terhadap kebijakan pemerintah, yang telah menghancurkan pola-pola manajemen sumberdaya alam masyarakat sejak dulu. Lembaga yang dibentuk pada 5 Oktober 1989 bertujuan untuk memperjuangkan sistem pengelolaan sumber daya alam masyarakat lokal yang adil dan berkesinambungan.
Bidang dan bentuk kegiatan: Bidang kegiatan utama lembaga ini adalah lingkungan hidup, yang ditunjang kesehatan, gender dan pertanian. Sedangkan bentuk kegiatannya meliputi studi, penelitian, survai, pendidikan dan pelatihan, pengembangan dan pendampingan masyarakat, dan penerbitan/publikasi. Juga advokasi, seminar, diskusi atau lokakarya sebagai bentuk kegiatan penunjang.
Program: Beberapa program yang pernah dilakukan antara lain bantuan bibit tumbuhan tanaman obat untuk masyarakat di sekitar Taman Nasional Meru Betiri, Fostering a Policy Freme­work for Community Based Natural Resources Management, Models for Sustainable Community Forest Use, dan Alternative Strategies for Development of Forest Resources: Extractivism, Agroforestry of Plantation.
Publikasi: Menerbitkan Jurnal Community Forestry. News Letter Kabar JKPP. Menerbitkan buku: Askes ke Sumberdaya Genetika dan Pelestarian Pemanfaatan Plasma Nutfah Tumbuhan Obat.
Sumber dana: Selain dari hasil kerjasama proyek dengan pihak lain, juga bantuan dari USAID, Ford Foundation, Mac Arthur Foundation, SFF-Kanada, dan European Community (EC).
Keanggotaan dan wilayah kerja: Lembaga menjadi anggota Jaringan Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan, Jaringan Pemetaan Par­tisipatif, Bio Forum, Indonesian Climate Action Network (ICAN), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Climate Action Network South Easth Asia (CANSEA). Wilayah kerjanya meliputi hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Staf: Lembaga ini memiliki 16 orang staf, di antaranya 7 staf tetap 9 staf tidak tetap. Menurut fungsinya 12 staf profesional dan 3 orang staf administrasi.
Background and purpose: LATIN was established in response to government policies on the exploitation of natural resources, which had destroyed traditional patterns of natural resources management, of local communities. Set up on 5 October 1989, LATIN aims to reintroduce traditional wisdom of managing natural resources that ensures justice and sustainability.  Area and form of activities: LATIN concentrates on the environ­ment, and to some extent healthcare, gender and agriculture. In those areas they conduct study, research, survey, education and training, community development and facilitation, and publication, coupled with advocacy, seminar, discussion and workshop. 
Program: The programs which have been carried out by the foundation include the provision of the seeds of medicine plants for the communities around the Meru Betiri National Park, Fostering a Policy Framework for Community Based Natural Resources Management, Models for Sustainable Com­munity Forest Use, and Alternative Strategies for Development Forest Resources, Extractivism, and Agroforestry of Plantation. 
Publication: They publish Community Forestry journal; Kabar JKPP newsletter; and book entitled Access to Genetic Resources and the Preservation of the Utilization of the Nuftah Plasms of Medicine Plants. 
Funding sources: In addition to income from their projects, LATIN gets funds from USAID, Ford Foundation, Mac Arthur Foundation, SFF-Canada, and European Community. 
Membership and working area: LATIN is a member of many organizations like the Network of Community Forest System, Network of Participative Mapping, Bio Forum, Indonesian Climate Action Network (ICAN), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), and Climate Action Network South East Asia (CANSEA). The foundation’s area of operation covers nearly all parts of Indonesia. 
Staff: The foundation has 16 staff members, comprising of 7 full-time and 9 part-time workers. 12 of them are professionals and 3 administrative workers.

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