YMU Yayasan Mitra Usaha Alamat/Address: Komplek Keuangan, Jl. Penjernihan I/23, Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210; Telp.: (021) 5736082, 5712855; Fax.: (021) 5712855 Contact person: Istiqomah DJ (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Perlunya memperluas akses dan kontrol sumber daya yang hingga saat ini hanya dimiliki oleh sekelompok kecil anggota masyarakat dan perlunya meningkatkan peran dan kekuatan lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) dan kelompok swadaya masyarakat (KSM) dalam upaya meningkatkan perekonomian rakyat, merupakan latar belakang berdirinya Yayasan Mitra Usaha (YMU) pada 7 September 1993. Sedangkan tujuan lembaga ini ialah meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi rakyat untuk kesejahteraan mereka, dan meningkatkan kemandirian, peran dan kekuatan LSM. Program: Di antara program yang dilakukan lembaga ini adalah pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat. Sumber dana: Selain iuran dan sumbangan anggota, lembaga ini juga memperoleh bantuan dari lembaga internasional, seperti dari NOVIB. Keanggotaan dan wilayah kerja: Lembaga ini tergabung sebagai anggota dalam Microcredit Summit dan Grameen Trust. Wilayah kerjanya meliputi Propinsi Maluku, NTT, D.I. Yogyakarta, Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Jawa Barat. Staf: Lembaga ini memiliki 11 staf tetap, 2 staf tidak tetap, 8 staf profesional, dan 5 staf administrasi. |
Background and purpose: The background of the establishment of YMU was the need for enlarging the accesses and controls over resources, which so far have been controlled by the a small portion of the society; and the need for increasing the roles and power of NGOs and self-reliant community groups in order to improve people’s economy. Accordingly, the foundation, which was set up on 7 September 1993, aims to increase the activities of people’s economy in order to improve their welfare, and enhance the self-reliance, roles and power of NGOs.
Area and form of activities: YMU chose small enterprises, informal sector, and income increasing as its main fields of activity. Other fields like agriculture, gender and cattle breeding support them. Activities in these fields are carried out in the forms of community development and facilitation, credit provision, education and training, advocacy and seminar.
Program: Community economic development has been the program carried out by the foundation so far.
Funding sources: Aside from the dues and contributions from its members, the funds used by YMU for its programs come from international agencies like NOVIB.
Membership and working area: YMU is a member of Microcredit Summit and Grameen Trust. It operates in the provinces of Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, DI Yogyakarta, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi and West Java.
Staff: Presently, the foundation has 11 full-time and 2 part-time staff members, who are comprised of 8 professional and 5 administration workers.