Alamat/Address: Jl. Cut Meutia 10, Jakarta Pusat 10002; Telp.: ()21) 314 2345; Fax.: (021) 3901480; E-mail: carindo@rad.net.idLembaga Penelitian dan Pembangunan Sosial The Institute of Social Research and Development Contact person: Drs. J. Sunarka, SJ. LPh (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Landasan berdirinya LPPS pada tahun 1968 adalah panggilan hati nurani dalam mewujudkan keutamaan Ilahi yakni iman-harapan-kasih, sebab diyakini bahwa sehebat-hebatnya karya sosial tanpa landasan tersebut, hanyalah penipuan. Lembaga ini mempunyai misi tidak mendidik masyarakatnya untuk berjiwa pengemis, sekalipun ada dana bantuan dari negara berkembang ke negara miskin. Sedangkan tujuannya adalah ikut serta mengembangkan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dalam segala aspek hidupnya, termasuk mengarahkan usaha swadaya, serta mengefektifkan upaya memperoleh dana untuk usaha-usaha pengembangan manusia. |
Background and purpose: LPPS was founded in 1968. The reason behind its formation was the call of the conscience to materialize the divine virtue namely faith-hope-love, and this was based on the conviction that whatever great social work there may be, if it is not based on that virtue, it will merely be a lie. Further, the institute does not have a mission of educating people to become beggars although there are assistance funds flowing from developed countries to poor nations. Meanwhile, the purpose of LPPS is develop the whole Indonesian society in all aspects of its life, including promote self-reliant businesses, and make effective efforts to get funds for the development of the people.
Area and form of activities: LPPS’ main fields of activity are agriculture, health care, clean water and sanitation, women in development, gender, small enterprises, law, environment, human rights, democracy, labor and children. Activities in these fields take the forms of credit provision, study, research, survey, education and training, community facilitation, publication, advocacy and seminar.
Program: The organization has carried out programs which deal, among others, with non-formal education, scholarships for university students from poor families, scholarships for nurses in remote areas, humanitarian projects, social workers, small businesses, the provision of funds for famine-prone areas, gender movement, empowerment of traditional communities, assistance for natural disaster-prone areas, small enterprises, water resources, assistance for religious services, and spiritual training.
Publication: The institute published Forum LPPS bulletin.
Funding sources: Aside from the contribution from its members, LPPS gets assistance funds from the German Community, the Australian Community, and the Lent Action Movement of the Catholic Community.
Membership and working area: LPPS is a member of APTIK, KOPBIMI, INP, FKI, CRP, INFID, APHD, CARITAS INTERNATIONAL and ICMC. Its area of operation covers all provinces in Indonesia (974 isolated areas).
Staff: Presently, 17 project staff members and 3 administration workers run LPPS.