LPPSD Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Institute for Research and Resources Development Alamat/Address: Perumahan Sarua Makmur Blok I/1, Ciputat, Jakarta 15414; Telp.: (021) 7407580; Fax.: (021) 7491147 Contact person: D. Djandji Pranoto (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Semangat yang melandasi berdirinya lembaga ini ialah adanya keinginan untuk mengisi kemerdekaan berdasarkan UUD 45, termasuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan terciptanya masyarakat adil dan makmur, serta mensukseskan trilogi pembangunan. Tujuan lembaga yang berdiri pada 23 Nopember 1984 adalah membentuk insan kamil yang Pancasilais, cakap, mandiri serta bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME, untuk menjadi penerus dan penggerak pembangunan, serta menjadi agen pembangunan. |
Background and purpose: The spirit behind the creation of LPPSD was the desire to fill in the national independence based on 1945 Constitution, including the wishes to increase the intellectual life of the nation, and create a prosperous and just society, as well as make the so-called development
Area and form of activities: The institute is involved mainly in the fields of agriculture, traditional healthcare, small enterprises, environment, informal sector, and animal husbandry. Other fields of activity like clean water and sanitation, women in development, urban development, and community forest support them. Meanwhile, the forms of activities in those fields include study, research, survey, education and training, community development and facilitation, and seminar. a success. The purpose of the formation of LPPSD, on 23 November 1984, is create Indonesians who hold in high esteem (state philosophy) Pancasila and who are intelligent, self-reliant and have faith in God, so that they can continue to be the motivators and agents of national development. |