SPEKTRA Studi dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan Alamat/Address: Jl. Kutisari IV No 36, Surabaya 60291, Jawa Timur; Telp.: (031) 8474757; Fax.: (031) 8495071 E-mail: yspektra@rad.net.id; Contact person: Roni S. Sya’roni (Direktur) | ||
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Studi Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan (Spektra) berdiri pada 9 Januari 1996, awalnya adalah kantor proyek LP3ES di Surabaya. Oleh karena programnya telah berakhir serta melihat adanya ketidakefektifan peran pemerintah dalam mendorong peran masyarakat, terutama di sektor ekonomi kerakyatan di Jawa Timur, beberapa orang mantan staf program berinisiatif mendirikan lembaga ini. Sejalan dengan itu, lembaga ini mempunyai tujuan membina, mengembangan pengetahuan, dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial, mengembangkan sumber daya manusia, dan mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi kerakyatan. Program: Lembaga ini telah melakukan berbagai program, di antaranya program-program pelatihan seperti pelatihan industri tempe, manajemen wirausaha, manajemen usaha peternakan; program-program pengembangan seperti pengembangan sektor informal, sentra industri kecil sarung tenun ATBM, wacana demokrasi, dan program lainnya seperti metropolitan environment improvement, midiatery pasar untuk produk usaha kecil, dan konsultansi manajemen pengusaha kecil. Publikasi: Menerbitkan Jurnal Occasional Papers and documen dari proyek pengembangan wacana demokrasi di Jawa Timur. Sumber dana: Lembaga ini memperoleh dana dari Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Timur, The World Bank, FES/WISO, USAID, GTZ, SWISSCONTACT, PLAN INT’L, Koperasi Setya Bakti Wanita, Surabaya. Keanggotaan dan wilayah kerja: Lembaga ini merupakan anggota Konsorsium LSM Partisipan KIP Komprehensif, Forum Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Surabaya, Asosiasi LPSM Mitra Lembaga Keuangan (ALTRABAKU) sebagai koordinator Jawa Timur, dan Forum LSM Partisipan PHBK-Bank Indonesia. Wilayah kerjanya mencakup Jawa Timur. Staf: Lembaga ini memiliki 12 staf tetap, 11 staf tidak tetap, 10 staf profesional, dan 2 staf administrasi. | Background and purpose: SPEKTRA was founded on 9 January 1996, and initially was the office of the projects of Surabaya’s LP3ES. Because the projects had ended, and because of the ineffectiveness of the government’s roles of promoting people’s participation in development, notably in the sector of people’s economy in East Java, a number of former staff members of the LP3ES projects took initiatives to form SPEKTRA. The organization’s purpose is educate people and develop their knowledge and awareness about economic and social development; develop human resources; and develop activities related to the people’s economy.
Area and form of activities: SPEKTRA’s main fields of activity are small enterprises/cooperatives and the informal sector, which are supported by other fields like environment, democracy, urban development, community forest, and cattle breeding. The forms of activities in these fields include study, research, survey, education and training, community development and facilitation, and seminar, discussion and workshop.
Program: Since its inception, the organization has carried out various training programs like training on tempe (soybean cake) industries, entrepreneurship management, and animal husbandry management. Also, it has implemented development programs like the development of the informal sector, the development of small-scale industries which produce (ATBM) woven clothes, the development of democracy discourses, and other programs such as metropolitan environment improvement, the development of the markets for the products of small businesses, and management consultancy for small entrepreneurs.
Publication: SPEKTRA publishes Occasional Papers journal, and documents about the projects for the development of democracy discourse in East Java.
Funding sources: In financing its activities, the organization uses the funds it gets from the East Java provincial government, The World Bank, FES/WISO, USAID, GTZ, SWISSCONTACT, PLAN INT’L, and Koperasi Setia Bakti Wanita Surabaya.
Membership and working area: SPEKTRA is a member of Konsorsium LSM Partisipan KIP Comprehensip, Sustainable Development Forum in Surabaya, ALTRABAKU, and Forum LSM Partisipan PHBK-Bank Indonesia. SPEKTRA operates in areas throughout East Java.
Staff: The organization presently has 12 full-time and 11 part-time staff members, and they include 10 professional and 2 administration workers.